
John C. Chu

Hello, I am excited to welcome you to my website

I am an Australian economist born in China. Chung-Yen Chu is the Wade-Giles romanization and presentation of my name in Chinese characters (朱中彦). Becoming an Australian citizen, I have been free on my journey towards the faith of Christianity. John C. Chu is my choice of cultural appreciation. My name in CCP’s pinyin was (Zhongyan Zhu).

I have publications in The Journal of Finance, The Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Management Science. My research papers have won awards, including the William F. Sharpe Award, been presented at academic conferences, including the American Economic Association (AEA), American Finance Association (AFA), and Western Finance Association (WFA), and been featured in news media, including Bloomberg, The Economist, etc. My research proposals have been funded by the Early Career Scheme and The Research Grants Council Hong Kong.

I received my Ph.D. in Finance from Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) and an M.B.A. from the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford. Joining Monash University in 2016, I was Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in Research in 2020.

What’s new

Updated on February 20, 2025. In the second half of 2021, I documented a shocking puzzle. Twenty-two large U.S. banks, with assets qualifying for G-SIBs, reported more bank capital to the Federal Reserve than the SEC from 2007Q3 to 2009Q4. Since then, my research endeavors have yielded a new explanation of self-healing, focusing on the bank asset rather than the liability side. The latter is recognized by the Norwegian Nobel Committee in 2022. The core element of the self-healing explanation is the relative good-to-bad loans. In elaboration, I have developed three papers. The direct answer to explain the inconsistent reporting to the Fed and the SEC is in the “Great Recession and Systemically Important Banks” paper. The theoretical foundation to build a misreporting mechanism is in the “Self-Healing Loan Maintenance” paper. The mechanism of new loan origination and companies’ liquidity decisions are in the paper “Fairness of Exchange in Loan Agreement.”

  • Email: john.chu@monash.edu Office: W1007, 20 Chancellors Walk (Menzies Building), Clayton VIC 3168, Australia